Web Hosting

Unlimited bandwidth
You'll never be charged based on the number of visitors or traffic to your store.

Daily backups
All your business information, including products, customers, orders, and inventory, is backed up in our secure data centers every day.

Email forwarding
When you buy a domain name with PlentyDES, you receive unlimited email forwarding.
Create email addresses like info@plentydes.com.

Level-1 PCI compliant
Shopify is level-1 PCI compliant, so you don't need to worry about the security of your customers' credit card data.

SSL certificate
Your online store includes a 256-bit SSL certificate to keep your customers' information and business data secure.

Instant upgrades
All PlentyDES updates are automatic, so you'll receive the latest features immediately, without any hassle.

99.94% uptime and 24/7 monitoring
No need to worry about downtime with PlentyDES, we work around the clock to make sure your website is always online.

Plenty DES on Google+
Plenty DES on Youtube
Powerful Tools To Customize Your Site

Simplified Site Building

No coding required. Point, click and publish!

Design Gallery

Choose from 100's of professional site designs.

Go Mobile

Create mobile site to reach more customers.

Go Social

Add Twitter & Facebook widgets to stay connected.

Performance & Stats

Easily analyze your site's traffic and performance.

World Class Support

Get help every step of the way.